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NDIS and MyAgedCare support and services get a lot of mentions, but, what if I am not yet eligible for either? What help is out there for me?

If you suffer with incontinence, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Australian Government’s Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS). The 2023-24 payment rate for CAPS is up to $676.50 per person and is non-taxable. From 14 October 2023, if you are applying for CAPS you can use your Medicare online account through myGov, or in the Express Plus Medicare Mobile app, to apply online. Alternatively, you can choose to complete and submit the paper CAPS Application form.

There are a range of services that you may be eligible for depending on your circumstances. You can do an easy online check what you may be able to apply for;


There is also a range of rebates and concessions on the Service NSW website. I highly recommend having a read through because any savings to you is better in your pocket.
If you do not have access to the internet or a computer, ask a family member or carer if they are able to help you. Or you can call the departments direct so they can send forms out to you;


Service NSW 13 77 88

CAPS 1800 239 309

EnableNSW 1800 362 253

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